

Looking for a product to ensure safety of loved ones ? We offer products like fall detector, no motion alarm, single button SOS alarm and many more for the safety of elderly, students, employees, patients and handicapped people.


Want to locate your furry friends wherever they are ? We have the perfect solution for you using the latest technologies in GPS, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi and LBS positioning. With the KatchU APP you can take care of every member of the family.


Keep up with the latest movement of Eview and search for the topics you’d love to check among our historical launches. You can always meet something

  • Eview 15th Anniversary
  • 15 Years MPERS Manufactory
  • Eview GPS Achieves BSCI Certification: A Milestone in Ethical Business Practices
  • BSCI Certification
  • Smart locator

    The Smart Locator APP allows you to manage multiples devices at one place. Using Smart Locator you can track devices in real time on Google Maps as well as check historical data to see travel history.

  • KatchU

    Nothing to worry about——just follow the guidance to learn how the tracker works, to receive messages and data, and to check the safety of your pet.Smartly working provides a more power-saving solution, that allows a small comfort on the neck of your pet.