Wi-Fi Tracking: Frequently Asked Questions


Wi-Fi tracking is a complex system to locate devices. If you still have unanswered questions about it, check out our FAQ section below.

What is Wi-Fi tracking?

Wi-Fi tracking is a geolocation system that uses Wi-Fi routers to pinpoint the location of your device whenever you’re indoors. It can be used by physical stores to analyze the behaviors of their customers; by companies to get an overview of their warehouses; and by big tech giants to keep tabs on you.

If you want to find out more about how Wi-Fi location tracking works and how to protect yourself against potential privacy violations, check out our article on the topic.

How can I use my Wi-Fi without it tracking me?

If you want to use Wi-Fi without it tracking your geolocation, there’s not a lot you can do. We suggest turning off Google location storage to make sure your personal information doesn’t get stored anywhere, but since the ins and outs of Wi-Fi location tracking aren’t common knowledge, governments usually don’t take a lot of action about it, leaving you with pretty much nothing to do about it.

Who is tracking my Wi-Fi?

The traffic that goes through your Wi-Fi connection can be tracked by private companies, your government, internet service provider, and even hackers if you don’t take any safety measures.

If you want to make sure that’s not a problem, read our article about secure Wi-Fi navigation and our piece on how to stay safe on the web.

How can I block Wi-Fi tracking?

If you want to turn off Wi-Fi location tracking, you can simply turn off your Wi-Fi.

If you want to be extra-safe, you can also turn off Google’s location data storage. Find out more about how to do these things in our article about Wi-Fi location tracking.